© 2019 GAME3D
Dancing Devil the Game is a 3D jump and run and survive game with puzzle’s and enemies, made for
the band Dancing Devil and by using original music tracks from Dancing Devil.
The player character is a 3D model of the Band logo. The game comming with different levels. If you
seccsessful have a level done, a little party start with 1 music track of the band. At the same time a virtual
synth pop up, so you will be able to jam with this synth to the band music, of course, just if you want use
that feature. At end of the level, the timer stop, and it calculate your points. If you hit your last Highscore,
then you can see a new Highscore into the list.
At moment the game is under construction, but there is always a open beta test, where you can play the
game for free. Currently are 11 levels done.
For a free download, click the button on left and you can download the latest beta version of Dancing
Devil the Game. After the download, unzip the file into a folder, and start the game with the exe file.
All the music tracks of the band get listed to a play list, once you have a level done. All the music tracks
are in high quality.
Dancing Devil the Game is currently availlable as Beta test for PC, with a medium grafic card. There will
be always some updates of the game, so please come back to here, to get the versions, or get more info
about the current developing status.
Sept. 2018 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvx-DA22B_o
Dancing Devil the Game
Video Game Developing
3D Environment modelling
Level Designing
Video Game Prototyping
Unreal Engine 4 Tools